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The Gift of Health


The Gift of Health is a patient-centered grant created to help offset the cost of expert medical care within a practice at the Clinic at WPI. This medical grant supports patient care in addition to aiding the search for more effective treatments.

The Gift of Health grant has and will continue to be administered on a first-come, first-served basis. It will exist as long as funding is available.


The Gift of Health will cover the first $500.00 of a doctor’s fee(s) for any patient who expresses a need for financial assistance prior to their first appointment. To request consideration for the grant, download the Registration Request Form.  Once complete, submit the form to or mail your completed form to:

WPI, c/o Kellen Jones
1664 N Virginia St., MS 0552
Reno, NV  89557  


Upon receipt of the Registration Request form, WPI staff will notify you whether funding is available.

The Gift of Health for ME is a one-time grant. Patients are responsible for all medical expenses beyond the $500.00 grant, including all medical appointments, laboratory, and treatment-related expenses.

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