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2013 Web Series with Dr. Kenny De Meirleir Science for Patients - ME/CFS Association

Science for Patients

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Web series with Dr. Kenny De Meirleir

Science & Technology

Chronic fatigue syndrome, Misdiagnosis, Me/cvs Vereniging, WvP, ME/cvs Vereniging, Science for Patients, Chronic Fatique Syndrome, 'Wetensschap voor patiënten, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, ME/cfs, Chronic Fatigue Synddrome, ME/cvs vereniging, Me/CVS, Blood, Myalgic Encepahlomyelitis, Meirleir, Science to Patients, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Circulation, Me/cvs vereniging, Wetenschap voor patiënten, Wetenschap voor patienten, ME, Science to patients, Science for patients, Wetenschap voor Patiënten, Myalgic encephalomyelitis, Wetenschap voor Patienten, Myalgic Ecephalomyelitis, CFS, ME/CFS

Science for Patients

1. Is ME and/or CFS a disease?

Read more In this first seminar Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir talks about the definition and acknowledgement of ME/CFS. This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging ( ). There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science for Patients, Wetenschap voor Patienten, WvP, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatique Syndrome, ME/cvs Vereniging, ME/CFS

2. Is it possible to diagnose ME/CFS

Read more In this second seminar Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir talks about diagnosing ME/CFS. This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging ( ). There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science for patients, Wetenschap voor patienten, WvP, Myalgic encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatique Syndrome, ME/cvs vereniging, ME/CFS

3. Is ME a hereditary condition?

Read more In this third seminar Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir talks about ME and heritability. This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging ( ). There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science for Patients, Wetenschap voor Patiënten, WvP, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatique Syndrome, ME/cvs vereniging, ME/CFS

4. ME and sleep disorders

Read more In this fourth seminar Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir talks about ME and sleep disorders. This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging. There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science for Patients, Wetenschap voor Patiënten, WvP, Myalgic Encepahlomyelitis, Chronic Fatique Syndrome, ME/cvs Vereniging, ME/CFS

5. ME and pain

Read more In this fifth seminar Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir talks about ME and pain. This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging. There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science for Patients, Wetenschap voor Patiënten, WvP, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatique Syndrome, ME/cvs Vereniging, ME/CFS

6. ME and Hormones

Read more In this sixth seminar Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir talks about ME and hormones. This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging. There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science to patients, Wetenschap voor patienten, WvP, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatique Syndrome, ME/cvs Vereniging, ME/CFS

7. ME, the Immune System and several Virusses

Read more In this seventh seminar Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir talks about ME, the immune system and several virusses. Unfortunately we made a mistake in the subtiles at min 3.40. Where you read 'intercellular', the actual word should be 'intracellular'. Excuses for the inconvenience. This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging. There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science to patients, Wetenschap voor patienten, WvP, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Synddrome, ME/cvs Vereniging, ME/CFS

8. ME and the Blood Circulation

Read more In this 8th seminar Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir talks about ME and the blood circulation. This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging. There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science to patients, Wetenschap voor patiënten, WvP, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Blood, Circulation

9. ME and Gastrointestinal Problems

Read more In this 9th seminar Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir talks about ME and Gastrointestinal Problems. This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging. There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science to Patients, Wetenschap voor patiënten, WvP, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Me/cvs Vereniging, Me/CVS

10. ME, Co-morbidity and Exclusion Criteria

Read more In this thenth seminar Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir talks about co-morbidities and exclusion criteria and ME. This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging. There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science to patients, 'Wetensschap voor patiënten, WvP, Myalgic Encepahlomyelitis, Chronic fatigue syndrome, ME/cvs vereniging, ME/cfs

11. Twelve anwers to questions - ME Origin and Causes

Read more Twelve answers of Prof. Dr. Kenny de Meirleir to questions about ME Origin and Causes 00:09 About the name ME: Have inflammations of brain and spinal cord been demonstrated or not? 01:04 Does a healthy lifestyle prevent the onset of ME? 01:21 Is it possible to objectively assess exercise intolerance? 01:52 Why does PEM (Post-Exertional Malaise) sometimes occur later on or delayed? 02:43 Is POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) typical for ME? 04:00 What's the relationship between POTS and cognitive impairment? 04:23 Are intestinal problems a cause or a result of ME? 04:54 Does blood-brain barrier impairment play a role in the aggravation of ME? 05:16 What is the role of strain and (psychical) stress? 05:53 Why are ME patients more susceptible to chronic infections? 06:44 How do you explain to your near ones why too much noise, light or impressions make you ill? 07:20 Why are ME patients' blood sugar levels often too low? This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging. There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science to patients, Wetenschap voor patiënten, WvP, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Chronic fatigue syndrome

12. Misdiagnosis / Related Diagnosis and Tests

Read more Eleven anwers of Prof. Dr. Kenny de Meirleir about ME, misdiagnosis, related diagnosis and tests. 00:13 Which other groups of patients run the risk to be misdiagnosed with CFS? 01:22 What other deviations do you diagnose by which people eventually are excluded from ME? Does this occur often? 02:01 When do you diagnose that a patient has CFS and not ME? 02:52 These last couple of years you have been testing ME/cfs patients for Lyme with improved tests. What's your experience with these? What's the risk of being wrongly diagnosed with Lyme's disease? 03:40 There's an increasing number of ME patients who're also afflicted with Bartonella (cat scratch disease). Yet in the second web seminar on November 10th you say we shouldn't start from exclusions. So what's the effect of co-morbidity in ME? 05:06 What's the relationship between IBS (PDS) and ME/cfs? 06:09 What does a low number of natural killer cells imply? 07:01 What does activation of the complement system imply? 07:49 What's the use of an MRI-scan, a Spect-scan or an EEG in ME/cfs? 09:24 What exactly is the problem with the mitochondria? 10:33 Is there a genetic connection between autism, MS and ME? This web seminar is part of the project 'Wetenschap voor Patiënten' or in English 'Science for Patients'. This project is realized through a collaboration between Science Alliance and the Dutch ME/cvs Vereniging. There will be 20 web seminars with Prof. Dr. Kenny De Meirleir. Other ME/cfs scientists will follow. Not all seminars are available with English subtitles yet. We are working hard to produce them for you. Sign up to this Youtube channels to see the latest video's. This video does not contain any diagnostic or therapeutic information about your own medical condition. It can never replace a personal consult. Notify your attending doctor in time about any question, complaint or sympom you might have.

Science & Technology

ME, CFS, Meirleir, Science to patients, Wetenschap voor patienten, WvP, Myalgic Ecephalomyelitis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Me/cvs vereniging, ME/cfs, Misdiagnosis

Video Library for Physicians

Video Library for Physicians

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Demeirleir, Lyme disease, DML, Klinghardt, Lyme, SOS Lyme

Video Library for Physicians

S.O.S Lyme - documentary - teaser Dr. Klinhardt Dr. Demeirleir

Read more “S.O.S. Lyme, an invisible epidemic” deals with the most serious aspects of Lyme disease such as paralysis, blindness, and pain. Watch the documentary here: But also shows the consequences such as: placing in care, alleged child abuse, euthanasia, welfare issues and misdiagnoses. Patients will be interviewed as well as Dutch experts and international physicians such as Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Burrascano, Dr. Klinghardt and Dr. Schwarzbach.


Lyme, Lyme disease, SOS Lyme, Klinghardt, DML, Demeirleir

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